Step 1: Estimate New Solvent Purchases
Enter average weekly purchase (dollars per gallon)
Enter average weekly solvent purchase in gallons
Note: Should not be more than 50 if you run a single shift nor more than 75
if you have 2 shifts in a 5 daywork week. 60 & 80 for 6 day work week.
Weekly Purchase =
Step 2: Estimate Removal Cost
Enter average weekly waste removed in dollars per gallon
Enter average weekly waste removed in in gallons
Weekly Removal Expense =
Step 3: New Machine Investment
Cost of Sidewinder M-2 purchase
ROI: Your Yearly Savings

“I don’t know what we would still be paying if we hadn’t bought our Sidewinder but I know it has saved us thousands of dollars over the last 5 years.
– Walter, Davis Body Shop